It is a matter of great pleasure that I have organized a Technical Education Institute at darbhanga, where I owe my origin. I dreamt up a golden future hovering through all. In the present era has been far from achieving its ultimate goal because of the rampant effort of unethical ideologies. Unlike others, we are guided by a specific motto “To bring up talents with ethics”.
We have made our sincere efforts and have been successful in recruiting brilliant, progressive and highly motivated faculty members. I congratulate our all trainees who have successfully completed the training and wish them to become a good human being in their lives as well as a good professionals in their respective trades in future. We are committed to upgrade and sustain the academic delivery system and institute’s infrastructure in tune with future requirements. We strive to train and equip our students to get placed in top multinational corporations by polishing the talent hidden in them. Our college has an impressive placement record and that places us amongst the best educational institutes of the country.
दरभंगा आई.टी.आई. एक मात्र इंस्टिट्यूट जो डिजिटल क्लास की फैसिलिटी अपने सभी छात्रों को प्रदान कर रहा है।
छात्र इससे लाभान्वित होकर अपने कौशल का उपयोग कर देश/विदेश में नौकरी कर अच्छी सैलरी प्राप्त कर रहे है।
Placed Students